NORDIC IAPWS is the Nordic representative of IAPWS, the International Association for the Properties of Water and Steam, focusing on thermophysical and chemical properties of water and steam.

NORDIC IAPWS deals with water chemistry and water treatment in the Nordic energy sector and related industries.

NORDIC IAPWS is connecting national groups for exchange of experience in Sweden
(Matarvattensektionen), Finland (SIAPWS‐Suomi), and Denmark

For more information: and

OBS! Namnbyte pågår så därför förekommer både det gamla och nya namnet!


Material för nedladdning

TGD Steam Purity for Turbine Operation (September 2013).

TGD Instrumentation for monitoring and control of cycle chemistry for the steam-water circuits of fossil-fired and combined-cycle power plants (2015)

Guideline comparison. En jämförelse av hur rekommenderade riktvärden för dompannor skiljer i Sverige, Danmark och Finnland (2011)

TGD Phosphate and NaOH treatments for the steam-water circuits of drum boilers of fossil and combined cycle/HRSG power plants (2015)

TGD Volatile treatments for the steam-water circuits of fossil and combined cycle/HRSG power plants (2015)

TGD Procedures for the Measurement of Carryover of Boiler Water and Steam (September 2008)

TGD Corrosion Product Sampling and Analysis for Fossil and Combined Cycle Plants

TGD HRSG High Pressure Evaporator Sampling for International Deposit Identification and Determining the NEed to Chemical Clean (2016)

TGD Application of Film Forming Amines in Fossil, Combined Cycle, and BIomass Power Plants (2016)

Determination of total iron by the Ferrozine method

IAPWS—Dokumentation, referat, protokoll m.m.

Dokumentation IAPWS årsmöte pressrelease, Stockholm 2017

Dokumentation IAPWS årsmöte pressrelease, Stockholm 2016

Dokumentation IAPWS årsmöte pressrelease, Stockholm 2015

Dokumentation IAPWS årsmöte pressrelease, Moskva 2014

Dokumentation IAPWS årsmöte samt program och föredrag på ICPWS-konferensen, London 2013

Dokumentation PCC Work group i samband med IAPWS årsmöte i Boulder, Colorado, 2012.

Dokumentation från IAPWS Symposium i Boulder, Colorado, 2012.

SIAPWS – Skandinaviska IAPWS

SIAPWS general meeting 2019. Minutes from the meeting incl.  presentations from the workshop.
SIAPWS general meeting 2018. Minutes from the meeting incl.  presentations from the workshop.

SIAPWS general meeting 2017. Minutes from the meeting incl.  presentations from the workshop.

SIAPWS general meeting 2016. Minutes from the meeting incl. the six presentations from the workshop.

SIAPWS general meeting 2015. Minutes from the meeting incl. the six presentations from the workshop.

SIAPWS general meeting 2014. Minutes from the meeting incl. the six presentations from the workshop.

SIAPWS general meeting 2013. Minutes from the meeting incl. the seven presentations from the workshop.

SIAPWS general meeting 2012. Minutes from the meeting incl. the seven presentations from the workshop.

First ordinary general meeting of Scandinavian IAPWS Committee, Mars 2011

SIAPWS årsberättelse 2010


DIAPWS årsberättelse 2010